Audio Recap: Initial ART
Choosing Between Initial ART Options: Answering the Questions

Released: June 06, 2023


Course Completed

In this episode, Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP, and Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS, discuss initial ART options, including:

  • Recommended first-line ART options for most PWH according to DHHS, IAS-USA, EACS, BHIVA, and WHO guidelines
  • Data for weight gain after ART initiation with different ARV classes and drugs
  • Weight gain disparities by race and gender after ART initiation
  • Data from the RESPOND study including risk factors for weight gain and CV event risk with INSTI vs non-INSTI–based ART
  • The impact of INSTIs on CV events in the Swiss HIV Cohort study
  • Recommendations for ART and contraception for PWH of childbearing potential 
  • Drug–drug interactions between first-line ART and contraceptive options
  • Guideline-recommended first-line ART options in pregnancy with a discussion of how these regimens differ from those recommended for most PWH